next fish ?????????????


New member

ok I have a dilemma I am looking for my next fish to add to my tank (46 gallon bow). I have 2 fales percula 3 PJ cardnials and a oragne spotted goby. I am looking for my next fish and i do not want a tang. I am loooking for some type of mediam size fish like a dwarf angel or something like that but I am worried about them picking. anyone have a sugeston that would help.

P.S. it is a reeftank.

thanks, mike
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I have to second the fairy wrasses they are so choice. They've got great color, active and peaceful fish. They are jumpers though so make sure you do have a top of some sort. Solar fairy wrasses are cool and were amongst the first I ever had so they are still among my favorite. But, there are a number of unbelievable fish out there. That is the other great thing about wrasses--there are new ones all the time. Think carpenters wrasse. Same price range and colors to die for.