Next frag swap?

Speaking unofficially, I believe the Frag Swaps are, or will be, annual events. In the meantime we urge you to visit your LFS, especially those that participated in our March 2008 Frag Swap. There is also this forum for trading livestock and equipment, as long as you don't do it as a business (read the guidelines).
i would think our club makes alot if not most of its $$ from memberships that alot of people pay just to get through the doors..... for example if we didnt have the swap a few weeks back how many would have actually paid there dues? i really hope its still a semi anual thing cause i really look foward to them :/
They're all good points, and I'm sure it'll be discussed by the board at the next few meetings.

I just started to feel bad, because some people came to the swap with the expectation of it being a "swap" versus a "sale." Does anyone have any input on that subject? I'd be interested to hear. The arguement I have for a swap where people sell more than swap, is that I don't have room in my tank for more corals, but I've got lots of trimmings of corals that break off when I'm futzing around in the tank, so the frag swap lets me get rid of those trimmings when they fill up my frag racks. I've still got a dozen or so pieces floating around my sand bed, still alive, so the swap is good for getting rid of that stuff.
hey reefwreak if you need a place for those floating corals i have a very empty tank. i thought the swap or frag sale was a great place to see and meet members that i would not normally, cause i live in palm beach county. i even if we had a big frag swap like the one we had a few weeks back and a smaller one with just the members of the club towards the end of the year, that would be great.
I'm sure the club makes money on selling the table space. I don't think members would want to pay $100 for a table just to swap but depending on how much they have for sale $100 is a good deal to sell. I saw a few people there with their little coolers swapping. So I guess it works out for everyone.

And for those who don't have anything to swap it's great opportunity to buy at great prices.

I would have to guess that the percentage of people dissapointed with the last "swap" has to be extremely small. I thought it was great even though I expected more "swapping" because I had not been to one before. All and all I was very impressed with the whole setup. I truly hope that they are not limited to just once a year.
