Next Meeting - Mon March 26th


New member
Our next meeting will be held on Monday, March 26th at the Newark Library from 7-8:45PM. Note that this is the fourth, not the third Monday of the month. Sorry about the scheduling issues, tax time at the library again, we'll be back on track in April.
I think we have a presenter this month, RBTA are you still up for it? Raffle and goodies as usual.
Yup Im up for it.. I'm gonna try and put everything together on a slide show soon. I've got tons of pictures to weed through haha, but Im up to it.
You're a good Man RBTA.

I'm looking forward to a good travel log of your trip. I bet it was fun!!

just checking if anyone needs cheato? I can bring it to the meeting or to the sale at TPP on the 17th if anyone needs it sooner.... as always, no charge, but frag donations are accepted ;)
would you like some red dragon tongue or a red codium type macro for a trade? i have some cheato butin one tank it has gotten real tongue tied. in a tight ball. if you know what I mean.

I dont think this one is really codium, but is smooth and branching much like it. will attach to rock with a single stem and bloom from there. nice red for fuge or tank that stays put where you plant it. not a creepy crawler!
Ok I have the pictures and the laptop and chords needed I think. But just realized something, is there a projector at the library? If so I don't have one, so we might have to settle with looking off te laptop screen.
Is this for any and everyone? I have never been to a meeting before, is it also a frag swap or? Anything needed to bring? I work right in newark and could get off around 7. It would be interesting and nice to meet some of you, discuss the hobby, each setup etc.

The Delaware Reef Club is for everyone and anyone. Frag and fish and stuff swapping is encouraged. 7 PM is the correct time. so why knot show up and JOIN the club? Dues have been reduced this year, for the time being. And all is well with the wurld!

Info Here:

So, Du Drop In!

I can still use some cheato - I'll have to go throught the tank and see if anything is ready to be fragged - still waiting for this stuff to start really growing.
RBTA - I have a projector that I will bring along. Let me know if there's anything else you need. Also if you could make up a one-liner describing your presentation that I can send in the meeting reminder email that would be cool.
Welcome aboard, DPS, hope to see you at the meeting. If you'd like to be added to our mailing list, PM me with your email.
Ah sorry I'm so slow to reply! I've been extremely busy with school and work and had a concert yesterday. I don't think I need anytihng else Mary, I believe the projector is all I need? Maybe the cablesto hook up the laptop to the projector, I'm not 100% sure what I have is the right stuff.

I guess its a little latefor the reminder email?
Well the slideshow is basically pictures of many of the local sites, stuff from WW2 and the Berlin wall, and the Berlin Zoo.
I'll bring all the cables and my laptop too just in case.
I've been so busy with painting and stuff that I forgot to send the email until this morning! Oh, well better late than never. See you all tonight! - Mary
Is there room for a lonely reefer from PA? I was thinking about joining you all tonight to see what a "Reef Club" is all about.

Dont see why not, always looking for new people.
The real question is when you see us are you going to come back? LOL
Sent PM

Good meeting, nice turn out. It seems like you got to see a lot of cool stuff RBTA, thanks for sharing a bit of it with us. I think Al is right, public transportation has to be a must when you drink as much as they do over there, lol.

I can't wait for that Dr. Mac trip. Ken did you say the date was ok with them?
Oh No

Oh No

Got home and found my skimmer with out any bubbles. Tried to fix the unit and dropped a plastic bolt that holds the air line in place and guess where it ended up... Sucked into the pump. Had to dismantle and order a replacement part. Put my mag 7 back in line to keep the flow going