Next Meeting - Mon March 26th

Nice to see old friends today. and new friends too. We always needs new members! hope you guys choose to join us again.

And thank you Chris for the great travel log. It's great to go to new places and learn about how other people live, and their history. I just can't get over how many rivers and lakes you said were , well, fishless? one day they will reclaim them and restock them , I'm sure.

Thanks Mary for once again providing the projector. We are gonna miss you and your resources when you move.

Yes Jon, i called the doc today and 4/21 looks good. He should be there to talk to us.
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Good to see everyone - new people PM me to be added to the mailing list. Thanks again, Chris, really neat pics. Ken, don't worry, now we know the library has a projector locked in that closet!!
Sorry for the kinda lacking presentation. I had so much more I wanted to say and a little more history and info on the culture. But I was tired and forgot a lot of the things I was going to say haha.