Nice $200-$300 Camera for reef-shooting?


New member
hello Everyone

I have an old Nikon CoolPix, and it doesn't take create close-up, low-light, or motion shots.

Can you recommend a very good camera that can be used for everyday purposes, but also has an excellent Macro zoom, and picks up coral & fish in motion?

I have a reef cube with a pair of Maroon clownfish. They're breeding, and I'm trying to raise the frye. I'd like to chronicle the development, but my camera is just not cut out for it.

Your thoughts?


Unfortunately, i took down my tank about the time I bought the camera so I dont have any reef tank examples.

I have this pic of my plumeria from about 5" from the flower...


I am not a pro by any means, but this camera does most the work. There are settings, however, were you can control jsut about everything manually. It also shoots RAW, has a very good OIS, 12x zoom, Leica lens, blah blah blah. The point is, I like the camera.

BTW, it also takes good distance shots even at full 12x zoom.

Here is a pic I took from all the way across a soccer field with no tripod at 12x zoom...



I'm afraid you just hit the limitaions of a Point and Shoot camera. Can you tell which Coolpix you are using?
I've seen some point and shoot cameras which are a bit faster in focusig than my old coolpix 5700 and that might also come with focus assist to help the camera focus under low light conditions but still they are far from the speed of focusing and versatility of a DSLR. If you can extend your buget just a bit you might be able to find a used DSLR maybe with the kit lens which will provide basic (but still very good quality) image quality. I use Nikon so I would suggest maybe a used D70s (which I still use) or maybe a used D50 or D40. With the kit lens you will not be able to take true macro shots (1:1 magnification ratio pictures) however you might still capture nice pictures which can still be cropped wnough to give you nice m agnifications on your screen and even on print. This basic setup will allow you to grow with it and get more lenses as you can and will serve as backup afterwards.
If you don't wnat to go DSLR way I would suggest getting a point and shoot that offers manual mode and macro capabilities and it would be great to get one that has a hotshoe for an add on flash wich will improve your images and really make a difference.
good luck ad keep us updates on your choice and results.
Hi Reefman23 and everyone else.

You convinced me! I bought the Panasonic FZ8 for $269 from I hope somebody doesn't chime in on this dialogue claiming in even superior camera! The consumer reviews looked positive (at-a-glance).

To answer Shooter's question, by Macro shot I meant only to be able to take super close-up shots. I want to take snapshots of the Maroon clownfish larvae as it goes through its first few weeks of development. This requires good motion & close-up range.

I've had 2 Nikon Coolpix cameras in my day. Actually, the older one (which I lost) took exceptionally good close-ups, and this one (I think it's a 4300) takes decent everyday shots, but terrible aquarium pics.

I'm done with Coolpix. I'm ready for my new Panasonic FZ8!

Take care,

Cool. I think you'll really enjoy the FZ8. You can get a macro lens if Im not mistaken. Even without it you should be able to shoot from about 5cm away with the macro setting. $269 is a great price for it too...
