Nice bubble coral to be rescued


New member
I was in Petco today (Glades and 441, Boca Raton) and saw a really nice, big bubble coral (6-8" long) in great condition still holding it's color and being fully inflated in their little cubicles.

It looks in great condition, and I would hate to see it die, so I thought that I might as well see if anyone on here was looking for a bubble coral, for a really really decent price (only $35, cheaper than LA, no shipping too!).

I would have picked it up myself, and really was going to, but I'm already running out of space now that my frags are finally starting to grow in.

If anyone wants more info, feel free to ask. Again, it's not a commercial post, I just really want to see it rescued from the depths of petco's crappy tanks (which they've still cleaned up their SW section a good amount from what they used to be, all cyano covered and gross with every fish having ich and dieing on the surface or in a corner. Now most stuff looks healthy and happy, disease free short of a few aiptasia here and there [their liverock looked great! it was unbelievable for petco!]).
I want to rescue it so it doesn't die. I don't support petco having coral, but at the same time I don't want to see such a beautiful piece die because of poor conditions in the store. I appreciate both sides of the argument, and absolutely agree that buying it only supports them buying coral, however it's a moral dilemma that has no correct answer.
The profit off of just that one coral will allow them to buy two or three more that they will neglect and kill. If morally you think that is OK then...