Nikon Nikkor 55mm 2.8 AI-S Micro


New member
I live in Japan, and was at the local camera shop looking for a Macro lense for my Nikon D70, they have a Nikon Nikkor 55mm 2.8 AI-S Micro Lense for about $180 US Dollars. What do you guys think..? I heard nothing but perfect reviews on this lense and it's proffesional sharpness. What do you guys think..? Go for it, or keep shopping for a better deal.....
Have you try test shooting with that lens? The 55mm f/2.8 is prone to sticky blades (from the lubrication) and that can be a pain to clean.

Also, you will manually set up your metering with the D70.

I have the 55mm f/3.5 AIS lens and used to shoot with the D70, and with that experience, I would take a look at some other lenses. It's a great lens if you intend to move to the D2 series later on (e.g. D200, D2X, etc.) since it will meter. Otherwise, it will be fun trying to figure it out (on the bright side, you do learn lots).