Nitrate reduction with Siproax or Brick?


New member
Are there still people using siproax to help reduce nitrates or is everyone moving to one of the various bricks that are available? I want to add one but I am not sure which will be my best option. Planning on placing it the the same chamber as my drains in the sump.
I tried siporax. didn't do squat. then I started dosing diy nopox, and that reduced and controlled the nitrates. I suppose the siporax now provides a place for bacteria to grow.
Bacteria needs surface area to live.. More surface area = more potential for larger populations of bacteria..
It also needs a food/energy source..

Siporax/biomedia/bricks,etc... can be beneficial when your tank has lower than optimal amounts of rock/surface area.. Other times it may not be that helpful

Carbon dosing on the other hand feeds the bacteria and more food = more bacteria..
Carbon dosing has been shown to be quite effective at reducing nitrates (and phosphates)..

Carbon dosing can be as simple as dumping a small amount of vinegar into the tank on a daily basis..
I would suggest trying carbon dosing and see how it works for you..
Also, if you do want to use the bricks or siporax for nitrate reduction, then placing in the chamber where the tank drains to the sump is not good. Flow will be too high. For nitrate reduction the media needs to develop a near-anaerobic section forcing the bacteria to utilize the nitrates for oxygen. With high flow, this zone will not develop--or will not be as large.

Much better to place in a lower flow area of the sump. I use marine pure 4x8 bricks in the lowest flow area of my sump. Works for me.