nitrates not goin away.


New member
i tested like 2 weeks ago, i got 50+ nitrates. i tested nitrates using another test kit, and same answer. i used a red sea the first time, and for the next kit i used "saltwater master kit" by aquarium pharmaceutikals. i got the same reading. 40+. i know its not true, cause i have growth on my sps (cap and monti) polyps are fully extendend on other sps (hydnophora) my xenia is fully extended, zoos are fully open, candy cane and micromussa is fully puffed up, fish are great. cleaner shrimp molts regularly and is happy. i dont know what the problem is?? i have a euroreef skimmer 5-2. which takes out good skimmate. 30 gal high and 10 gal sump. everythign else is 0, pH 8.2, nitrite ammonia 0
If you don't trust your test kit, many LFS will test your water for you.

Salifert makes good test kits.

The only way I can get nitrates to zero is with Chaeto macroalgae in the sump.

Best of luck,

Most livestock can tolerate those levels. Dsb will help so will a refugium. I have a 20 with no filtration and mine are always zero. I feed heavily and dose zoo and phyto daily. Almost all filtration will lead to nitrate build up except for a protien skimmer. I started my tank with agraalive sand and good live rock and it handles all my filtration.
How old is your tank? Nitrate sometimes will take several months to lower.

Also, what is the loading on your tank?

If your loading is high, you will not be able to eliminate Nitrate without additional nutrient removal systems