And it has begun!
Over the course of the upcoming weeks/months, I will be replacing my current 80 gallon with a 120 gallon.
My current 80 gallon has been up and running for over 3 years, and while there aren't any problems with it, I wanted to redo a few things.
A few of the main reasons for the upgrade/redo:
1: Change the sump/overflow/plumbing to a easier to maintain, and quieter system.
2: Redo the current aquascape
3: Since all my SPS are overtaking each other and growing out of the water, time to weed the coral garden.
4: Reduce the current fish selection. No way in hell to catch them now.
5: And this is the main reason.... Rid my tank once and for all of all the PITA mushrooms that take over everything! Trust me, I've tried all the methods, only sure way is to never let them in in the first place.
The new 120 Deep Blue with a Synergy Shadow Ghost Overflow on the end will still be bare bottom, running (2) 250w DE MH with 2 T-5 Atinics, and Calcium reactor. Just the basics as this work perfectly for me.
My 80 currently is under full control of my Apex Classic, but the new 120 will get the full on Apex 2016 system. Flow meters, Cor Pump, new optic sensors, PMUP, etc...
However, I'll still be using my MP-40's for water movement.
A few new items will be:
Synergy CL-34 Sump White/Red
Eshopps new S-200 Skimmer
Vertex RX-6D Calcium Reactor
So follow along if you want... enjoy the adventure with me.
It's a start!
Over the course of the upcoming weeks/months, I will be replacing my current 80 gallon with a 120 gallon.
My current 80 gallon has been up and running for over 3 years, and while there aren't any problems with it, I wanted to redo a few things.
A few of the main reasons for the upgrade/redo:
1: Change the sump/overflow/plumbing to a easier to maintain, and quieter system.
2: Redo the current aquascape
3: Since all my SPS are overtaking each other and growing out of the water, time to weed the coral garden.
4: Reduce the current fish selection. No way in hell to catch them now.
5: And this is the main reason.... Rid my tank once and for all of all the PITA mushrooms that take over everything! Trust me, I've tried all the methods, only sure way is to never let them in in the first place.
The new 120 Deep Blue with a Synergy Shadow Ghost Overflow on the end will still be bare bottom, running (2) 250w DE MH with 2 T-5 Atinics, and Calcium reactor. Just the basics as this work perfectly for me.
My 80 currently is under full control of my Apex Classic, but the new 120 will get the full on Apex 2016 system. Flow meters, Cor Pump, new optic sensors, PMUP, etc...
However, I'll still be using my MP-40's for water movement.
A few new items will be:
Synergy CL-34 Sump White/Red
Eshopps new S-200 Skimmer
Vertex RX-6D Calcium Reactor
So follow along if you want... enjoy the adventure with me.
It's a start!