No luck with SPS


New member
I have tried sps corals in my tank on multiple different occasions and the only time i have had long term success is with a stylo. I have success with softies (zoas, shrooms), and lps (euphyllia) but any time i put sps in my tank it seems like they slowly decline in health over about a month until they die.

My tank is a 93 gallon cube that has been running for 10 months
ATI sunpower 8x24w light (2 Blue Plus on from 12 noon until 9pm and 8 bulbs on from 1pm until 6pm) 6 inches above water
Reef Octopus space saver 110 skimmer
1 MP40 for flow set on long pulse mode
started with dry rock and have used Natural sea water for set up and water changes (it is what most the lfs sell in my area).
water params as of yesterday: Alk 9.2 (and has been stable every time i check), Calc 430, Mag 1340, Nitrate 2-5, Phosphate .04, salinity 35 ppt using refractometer, temp is usually between 78-80.

Livestock: 2 clowns, yellow coris wrasse, melanaurus wrasse, long nose hawk fish, purple tang and dejardini tang. also have one skunk cleaner, 3 emerald crabs, a few turbo snails, nassarius snails and hermits for cuc.

softies grow at a regular rate, lps a little slower and sps seem to die from the tips down. recently had a reverse superman monti placed about 6 inches under water line which was doing great and grew relatively quickly for 2 weeks then got a white spot right in the middle/top part of the frag and died from the middle outward. i inspected it for nudis and none that i could find. currently have a green vermiculata placed about 8 inches under the water line and the tips of the coral are dead and the color seems off, not quite neon like im used to seeing. polyps are still out but not as fuzzy as when i bought it, and base of the coral seems brown.

also i dont dose anything other than Alk Calc and Mag. and usually do a 10 gal. w/c every 2 weeks
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Try buying a frag from an established colony in an established tank if you are currently buying from the lfs carrying wild colonies.

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Wow.. Things look pretty bang on..
How do you maintain calc/alk?
Since there doesn't seem to be any glaring problems, the only thing I could suggest, as a beginning is to reduce your alk to the 7 range and drop your calcium at the same time to closer to 410..
IMG_2124 (2).jpg

IMG_2125 (2).jpg

cant really get great quality of pictures but thats the FTS. neither sps corals i mentioned are wild and have been establsihed in previous tanks. as far as the lighting schedule goes i have been under the impression that the 8x24 ATI fixture is really strong so ive been running it that short due to fear of burning corals. The tissue on the Vermiculata seems like its brown but the polyps are still bright green. and the reverse superman monti never got dull in color. just out of nowhere started receding from the middle outward. also i maintain alk and calc by dosing with red sea powder products but my params have been so stable with water changes there has been no need to dose. also probably due to the fact that there is only a few sps in the tank.
Are you running Carbon (may cause HLLE in your tangs)? I read that softies may not work well with SPSs due to their secretions etc.