Nominations Thread For 2007


In Memoriam
The nominations are:

Laurie (Jessiesgrrl)

Vice President
Dave Haskell (Driftwood)
Matt (BunsenBurner)
Megan (JacksonsMom25)

Sissy (Laverna)

Rose Haskell (Driftwood)

Public Affairs Officer
Dave Haskell (Driftwood)

Past Chair (Appointed Position Only)
Sue (Hedonist)

Post Duties (Subject To Ratification in January):

Article V: Officer Duties

1. President

A. The president, or in lieu of, the vice-president, shall attend all mandatory meetings called by SWAM.

B. The president is the principle executive officer and
The president shall propose a budget, and may propose ideas for projects and policies which have been brought to attention by other members of the organization.

C. The president shall sign, with the secretary or any other proper officer of the association authorized by the Board of Officers, any contracts authorized by the Board of Officers.

D. The president, or in lieu of the vice-president, shall preside at all general membership meetings, and shall be responsible for helping the Secretary with minutes as needed.

E. The president shall perform all duties incidental to the office of president and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

2. Vice President

A. In the absence of the president or in the event the president is unable to perform the duties of the office, the vice-president shall perform the duties of the office of president, and when so acting shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the president.

B. The vice-president shall assist the Treasurer as needed in record keeping.

C. The vice-president shall perform such duties as assigned by the Board or president.

3. Secretary

A. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the general membership and of the executive committee and post those minutes in a notebook provided for such purpose.

B. The secretary shall in general perform all duties incidental to the office of secretary and such other duties as assigned by the president and/or board.

4. Treasurer/Membership

A. The treasurer shall have responsibility for all funds of the association, receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such monies in the name of SWAM in a designated account.

B. In general, the treasurer shall perform all duties incidental to the office of treasurer and any other duties assigned by the president or Board of Officers.

C. The treasurer shall report to the executive officers and the general membership the financial standing of the organization as requested. This report is to made at least once a month and a full report is to be made at the annual membership meeting.

D. The club's account shall be audited at least annually or upon a change of the individual holding the office of treasurer by two persons to be appointed by the Board of Officers.

E. The retiring treasurer shall, within two weeks after elections or change in office, deliver to the new treasurer all monies, vouchers, books, and/or papers of the club in his/her custody, along with a supplemental report covering all transactions since the last treasurer's report.

F. The Treasurer shall keep a list of members, address information, and their date of currently paid dues.

5. Public Affairs

A. The Public Affairs Officer shall assist the President with fundraising, general public communications, and corporate memberships.

B. The Public Affairs Officer will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the club webite as needed.
If you would like to withdraw your name from consideration, please post it to this thread.

Voting will commence by Email to All votes will be printed out and kept on file for verification purposes. Voting window shall be from 22 December through 29 December 2006. Election Results will be posted on Reef Central no later than December 31st, 2006.

Only active members can vote or run for office.

Have a great Holiday Season!!!

Just for the record.... Hedonist is Denise :)

Have we a list avaialble or a way for those to find out , who are not sure if their membership status is active or not?

Thanks for all your efforts Laurie
I have an on going list but i don't want to post peoples names online. Some people are current members and some have dues that are due. I was going to let those who had dues due know at the next meeting.

I would say if we have not notified them since it expired, that they should be allowed to vote... they should have at least 30 days after being notified to make it current without losing privelges, imo...

Sorry about the name Denise, was thinking one thing and typed another!

Has there been an email regarding the voting sent out to those who are on the email list?
