(not mantis related) Funny Crawdad Story!!


New member
About 3 years ago I had 2 Crawdads and they made wonderfull pets. Well, it just so happened that my 2 crawdads were escape artists and so seeing a crawdad crawling around the my room became a normal sight. We would just pick them up and put them back in thier container (which was one of those HUGE plastic storage containers). Now, this is ALL true...One day my family decided to all sit down and watch a movie and so my sister and my mom were on the couches and me and my dad were lying on the floor. When the movie was over we still wanted to watch more movies so my mom sent my dad to go get more movies. He came back with those movies and we watched those and by the time those were done we were all tired. We were heading to bed when all of a sudden we heard my dad yell. My larger crawdad had crawled into his slipper and when he stuck his foot into it the crawdad had pinched his foot in self defense. It was more of a shock than pain but it was freakin halarious seeing my dad swingin his foot with a crawdad attached!!!:D
When I kept freshwater tanks, I tried those fiddler crabs you can get. I couldn't keep the tank completely covered, and would often find them sitting on top of the tank, and sometimes scurrying across the floor.

I suspect my kitty found him, for one day I did not see the little fiddler crab anymore. . .


WhenI was young, the crayfish would escape all the time too. They'd be found driying up near the curtains, and we'd get 'em back in the water and they'd be fine! (usually)

One time their 10 gallon tank in the garage became frozen in the winter (lived in buffalo) my brother wasn't too smart keeping it out there...and he stomped on the block of ice to break it but ended up breaking the bottom of the tank...anyway, near spring we poured boiling water over the ice and cut a hole toward the crayfish and he started moving. he was still alive! I don't think he was solidified in ice, or maybe he was, but he survived...we freed them back into the creek because of the trauma we put him through...