Not sure what to stock next

Deep Reef

Active member
I currently have a 120 mixed reef DT. the tank is 24X48x18 high. My current fish stock is:
(1) Kole tang
(2) fancy perc clowns
(1) midas blenny
(1) YWG
(1) Kaudern's cardinal

Last week, after six weeks of qt i introduced a one spot foxface. all was good for a day or so. I saw some intermittent conflicts between the kole tang and foxface but they were short bursts. With the foxface being larger than the tang i thought it would work out. well yesterday i got home from work and the foxface was dead. he did not look beaten but he was healthy after 6 weeks of qt so I'm assuming the kole killed him.

i have added other fish after the tang. the clowns and also the blenny without issue. so now I'm stuck. I had wanted some movement as the cardinal stays suspended, the clowns move but they are small. the blenny and goby stay by their caves.

I thought about chromis but everyone says you end up with one.

if I added PJ cardinals I'm not sure the other cardinal will have an issue with them and they don't really move either.

I was even wondering about one or 2 damsels....i know everyone says don't do it.....

any suggestions would be great as I've only been in this for 1 1/2 years.


Chromis or Anthias would be my first choice. Maybe look into a dwarf angel. I have 3 purple Chromis and although they bicker, no true aggression yet.
i had also had a labouts wrasse which was great but my tank got ich and i lost him after he was removed from the tank for the fallow cycle
Just a side note: based on your dimensions you have a 90 gallon tank, not a 120.
That might be helpful when decided how much fish to stock.

I'm with Danny, Anthias would be my first choice. However once my tank matures, I'm adding a Flame Angel and maybe a Potters Angel.