November Meeting Notes


Greetings everyone-

Here is a quick recap of the November NWRS meeting. It was held on the 14Th at the coral farm. A few business things were discussed such as the cost of the t-shirts and the website that will be due next March. These were tabled until our next meeting.

The topic for the meeting was a wonderful presentation by Kevin on his dive trip. Another outstanding presentation that had everyone awestruck! Thank you Kevin for taking time out of your schedule to put this together for us. It was much appreciated!

Also floating around the meeting was the awesome carving that Lynn had done of the logo. It turned out great!

Just as a reminder we will not be holding a December meeting due to the holidays, instead we will resume on January 16Th at 6:30 p.m. at the coral farm.

For those of you who are unaware Dan and Denise are planning a get together at their home on December 1. Details are on the website. Thank you Dan and Denise!

Until next time...Happy reefing!