Now how about this for odd.........


New member
Have you ever noticed that after you cross the 7-8 fish threshold, you stop noticing them all? You know what I mean, you just inda stop noticing them as individuals until you realize you haven't seen one in a while, then you go looking.


About a year ago I added 2 Seargent Major damsels to my tank, no big deal, thought they looked neat, they chase each other around, fun to watch. Then I got some of my bigger more colorful, prettier, fish. Royal Gramma, Yellow Tang, Percula and Tomato Clowns etc. and stopped noticing my pretty little damsels.

It's been a hectic week and I needed some quiet time, so I spent a while just looking at the tank today, actually watching the fish swim around, eat, play, just be fish, watched the corals swaying in the current, just enjoying myself.

Then I noticed my Seargent Majors...darting in and out of the rocks...playing tag I like to call it...first one comes out and swims to the top...then the second.....then the third :eek1:

Sure enough I now have 3..I know I never added a 3rd...I know it isn't one of the ones that changed colors on's def the same kind of fish. So now I am left wondering, when the heck did they mate? how long have I not been noticing the third one? How oblivious must I have been to not notice this before?:eek2:

Anyways, I just thought it was neat and wanted to share.
Could have come in on a coral or something (they like to dart into coral heads). Could have come in on live rock (unlikely, but could happen I guess). I find each of those scenarios more likely than the two mating and a fry surviving in a tank full of fish to adulthood. Either way, that is a crazy story though!
Had both of those ideas, went back through what I've added. No new LR for it to have come in with, and no corals big enough for it to hide it, most of my coral has come in as small frags.
.... wow. I'm with Al, what have you been smoking? lol Are you positive there are three? Also when you added the damsels is it at all possible they accidently bagged three for you and you didn't notice after acclimation? Or any chance you could have purchased a third damsel at a different time?

Also is it possible a family member added one? Perhaps they thought one died or was missing, felt guilty because they were tank sitting and threw in another?

In about a year I don't think there is any way a mated pair mature enough to lay eggs(they aren't live bearers) and for it to have grown to mature size. Is one of the damsels really small? As Rich said 99% of the time eggs and larval are eaten in our tanks especially because of the type of fish we have and the clean up crews we keep. There is a small chance it could have slipped into an area of your sump where it wouldn't be killed, and some how came back up, but the odds are slim.

We've got a mystery here.
Like I said in the title - Odd.

Believe me, I spent about 3 hours sitting here yesterday going "there's got to be another explanation". And I have never known my pain meds to cause hallucinations.

And beleive me, the wife would NEVER buy a fish, add gasoline to the tank, maybe, but never buy a fish.

It's strange, and highly unlikely, but there is definitely 3, and I definitely only ever had 2 before. And yes, one is noticebly smaller then the other two.

I guess I'll just chalk it up to an eternal mystery.
Could seriously see this as the start of an x-files episode. Next thing you know you all of a sudden have two dogs. Then the really scarry part... your kids start multiplying!!! lol
hmmm ... two wives ....

i think that's illegal in most states .... and just plain stupid in others ....
I also doubt those damsels mated. The damsels you speak of should, and most likely have a long time in which the eggs and/or larvae are in suspension. I don't believe the sargeants lay eggs like clownfish do.