Now the slow part


New member
Tank is set up, sump in place and plumbed, skimmer hooked up (not on, obviously), light fixture back over the tank. I washed all the sand from the old tank and put it in the new one. Chris, the LFS owner, brought over 20 or so gallons of 'live water' - basically he did a water change of his tanks and brought over what he could. Now I get to make saltwater 30g at a time to add to the tank. My RO/DI system is supposedly rated at something like 75g or 100g per day, but at best I get about 35g from it. I changed out the sediment filter, as it was filthy, and that might improve matters. Even it if could make more, I only have one Brute container to spare right now, so that pretty much limits me to roughly 30g per day anyway. Tonight I'll dump in what I started up yesterday and add 80 pounds of Caribsea live sand. Chris is still working on modifying the overflow inserts. I asked him to leave every third tooth, so as to allow greater flow. He would have had it done yesterday, but he is a perfectionist and won't be satisfied until it meets his own criteria. Better done right the first time.

While I would like to have the entire tank on some kind of generator for when power goes out (not an if in metro Atlanta), I don't have the infrastructure for that right now. What I am going to do is to have the powerheads (Koralia Magnum 5 and 6) on a fair-sized computer UPS. Those units pull very little power; I think the Koralia 5 pulls 8 watts. This way when the power goes, the tank will still have circulation for quite a while.