Nudi Problem


New member
So i have been doing RO dips for about 10 mins to get rid of Nudis that are on my zoa rock... i went to a frag swap and got 3 new frags (which i glued on a rock and placed away from my other zoa rock) I havent seen any issues with the new ones.. what is the best way to rid of the nudis? just keep dipping? any new dipping solution to kill the nudis?
I've heard of people using wrasses, they say they get good results however, I myself have not tried that method before.
i just went thru a zoa eating nudi problem.

I coral dipped ALL my rock- this was in a 29BC so it was pretty easy to do- I bombed the tank with Flatworm Exit (Salifert), 3X recommended dosage. waited 2 days, then 2X dosage. Dipped rock again- I also added a 6 line wrasses in the middle of this. Unfortunately i lost 5-6 zoas from each colony before i finally exterminated these little buggers but- i will bounce back. Good Luck- Be sure to read the instructions carefully if you choose to use flatworm exit