NYOS OPUS 300 “Invisible Herbie”


New member
Hi all,

From Nyos, there will be a new tank launched soon called Opus 300. What I find very interesting is the nearly invisible Herbie Overflow, that they implemented.

There seems to be a black PVC Box outside of the reef aquarium with a Strainer in the back tank wall. However, I do not get how they did it in detail. Did they bond PVC with Glass??

I would very much like to DIY such an invisible Herbie Overflow on a new tank. To me, it would be important that there is no overflow box in the tank but just a strainer in the back wall. Also, I would like to have a dark blue back wall, which cannot be implemented if the DIY Overflow box is siliconed to the tank (since the box / silicone would interrupt the dark blue back wall).

Any ideas on achieving such an invisible Herbie Overflow in a DIY project?

Thanks, Marco
External overflow boxes are done all the time. Use glass on a glass tank. If you don’t want to see into it, then use smoked glass or cover it externally with contact paper or paint it. Maybe even both if you’d like.
As to the inside of the tank. Just place a thin piece of acrylic the color of choice on the back wall (on the inside) and you won’t be able to see through it. So the external overflow box will be hidden.
Thanks for your reply.

The nyos opus 300 is special in the way that they seem to be using a pvc box on s glass tank. I wonder if they just press it onto the glass. If so, thatwould be very coolsince one could paint theback wall normally. Anybody knows?

If I use a external overflow box... is it the only way to hide it by using a acrylic sheet on the inside? I would rather do something else since, if I'm not mistaken, the acrylic will scratch easily and also avoid reflection of light back into the tank. Anyother possibilities? Is there also colored glass available for example?

Thanks, Marco
There is the shadow overflow that BRS sells. That would allow you to paint the back as normal and then mount the overflow box to the tank. You’ll have to drill 2 holes.

BRS has a video on their website about it.