Oceanic Chiller with Neptune Apex Controller?


New member
OK here goes,
I have ordered a Neptune Apex Controller (From Premium), I currently have a Oceanic Chiller running on my system which has a built in Temp control with the display on the front. My question is this, should I have the Apex turn on the chiller when it is needed and turn it off when not? Or should I leave the Oceanic alone? I would rather have the Apex control it however the only way to do that is to have the Apex power on the chiller when needed and disconnect the power when not. I am not sure if that is good for the chiller either. Any input would be great!
I would actually do the opposite. Use your Apex as a backup temp controller, the more redundency the better. Let the chiller go on and off on it's own, however set variable in the Apex telling it to cup power to the chiller if the temp goes below a certain temperature. Then if the temperature goes above a certain marked setting in the Apex you can turn off lights, the heater, etc.
I've blown out quite a few fuses letting the apex turn on and off my mini arctica chiller. i eventually just plugged in the chiller to the wall and haven't blown a fuse as of yet.