Oceans Motions group buy


Premium Member
Hi folks,

I'm checking to see if we have enough interest to put together a TN group buy from OM.

So, trying to read up about them on RC I came across a group buy. Oops, I was lost and just now realized I was in the San Jose Club's site. So, I'm wondering if we can put together a TN group buy. Quote from their thread:
"The other group buy that just happened had a 15% discount for 5 motorized units, and 20% discount for 11 motorized units. People were also able to purchase other non-motorized items at the same discount."

You can check OM's site but basically; 8 way is $375, 4 way is $320, Squirt $150 plus they have some neat flex return nozzles and some "revolutions" which look interesting.

Seein as how we have folks regularly traveling between clubs I was thinking of posting in Mem., Nash., Knox., and Chatt. and anyone else willing to travel to one of these locations is welcome to join in.