October Meeting


New member
For the October Meeting Indmas will host an Auction.

Do you have old equipment that sits around collecting dust, or a coral that has outgrown your tank. Bring it to the October Auction and sell it to the highest bidder. You set the minimum price and The seller keeps 100% of the profit. Let me say that again. Indmas makes no money on any items sold. You, the seller, keep 100% of the money made on the items you sell.

This will be a free event for members. Non members are free to purchase items but must pay $5 to sell items.

If you are planning on selling any items at the auction I ask that you please email me or shoot me a pm and let me know what you will be selling.

I ask that you please not post here in the forum what it is you are selling. A few days before the auction a list will be posted as to what is for sale.

Please send your emails to btuck77@gmail.com

In your email please give me your:

Item you are selling
the minimum bid you will accept
your name
your screen name
Also if you are planning on selling livestock please keep in mind four things:

1. This will be an outside event, in October, while there will be a shelter it could be 90 degrees or it could be 40 degrees. Please plan accordingly. Coolers would be a very good thing.

2. Since this is an outside event you will not be able to bring tanks and heaters and waters. Please put all your livestock in either bags, buckets or some form of tupperware for ease of transfer.

3. Taking pictures of the livestock while it is still in your home and nice and big and beautiful will probably help it sell for a higher price as compared to somebody just looking at it through a bag when it's nice and closed up.

4. We ask that you please limit your livestock to 10 items. We need to give everybody a chance to sell their items and besides that do not want you to bring every single frag you have at home. Just bring your best pieces. You can bring the rest to the frag swap in April.

Thanks for your support
Has anyone discussed the option of Premium keeping the registers open during our meeting so we can wait to bag our live stock purchases up until after the meeting?

I am really hoping to be able to attend this meeting. Can anyone give me an idea of whatever will be covered?

We are going to have an auction and then what else usually happens? How many people usually show?
Meeting attendance can vary from 4 to 20 people. Well over 100 show up for the frag swap in the spring. We've never had an auction before, so it's hard to say how many will turn out.

I don't know for sure, but I doubt PA plans to stay open; however, it's supposed to be a beautiful day and any livestock you purchase should be fine in a cooler.