octopus dnw-150 pump recommendation

I just use a mj1200 for mine- But I am not pumping it real far. only about 2 feet. I have a 120 tank with a 30 gal sump.

I believe the recommendation is to use a pump that pumps no more than 1.5 times your tank's actual volume per hour. Some have suggested around 1 x tank volume. For this type of skimmer I personally believe less is more. The recirc pump is doing all the work so providing the maximum contact time gives the skimmer the best chance at removing waste. Plus using a small feed pump cuts back on electricity and heat. The other advantage of a lesser input is the reduction of turbulence in the body.

For your 100 gallon tank you would only need a max of 150 gph. Using the head loss calculator a Majijet 1200 with 1' of vertical and 5' of horizontal length 3/4" tubing would give you around 175 gph, give or take a few gallons depending on number of fittings. Since you may be using a smaller diameter tubing I'd guess that this pump would be right on the money for you. Adding a Mag pump might be overkill on output, power and heat.

My tank is only a 55g bowfront with another 6 gal held in the rufugium, so I'm planning on using an old Eheim 1046 I had laying around. From pump to skimmer is only 18" so I'll have slightly more than 1 x turnover per hour which I think will work well.