Octopus Extreme Protein Skimmers

Tried an experiment adding bioballs under the bubble plate. Really added more concentrated foam to already a great design.
Looks like it adds a delay for bubbles and lets them collect even more to their surface.


As much as these misunderstood balls get a bad rap from inexperienced application usage this works great.
Tried an experiment of two weeks with none and then added for two weeks and the difference is extreme like the skimmer.

There is nothing to collect and clean down there unless you do a raw entrance into the skimmer from overflow which I would not do.
ORP went from stable 430 > 460 and don't use anything but two 100 micron bags(in each other) ahead of it and U/V in the sump.
The output into the cup is more concentrated also.
There has to be more delayed contact time with those balls but it is not packed in there in any way and the pump pushed a big distance in between them when running also.
Perfect use for the things.....
Reminds me of the bermuda aquatics pre chamber delay for added contact time.
Albert, could you tell me what the exact measurement is for the 250? And does that same measurement go all the way up the skimmer? What is the measurement say at 10'' up the skimmer?
Just trying to figure out if this will fit in my sump, which has a lip around it.

Thanks so much.