Octopus FT


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
I have a Caribbean octopus that I would like to trade. With his arms stretched out he is probably 12" - 14" across. He does not usually stretch his arms in opposite directions like that so he does not seem that big. He can change to a cool blue/green iridescent color.


http://reefcentral.com/gallery/data/500/105339octopus_entire_body.jpg <hr>

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Just have to add the [ img ] imagelink [ / img ] except without spaces :)
Oh, and beautiful Octo by the way. I really love how they look and act. They're so smart. Do you play with yours with toys? How old is he/how old will he get?
I dont know how old he is or how old he will get. Sorry. :(
I am looking to get some bright colored corals, ricordias, clam or something else of interest.
What do you have?
He is really cool. Reef Wreck, we dont have any toys to play with him with. What sort of toys are you talking about? We do play a gentle tug of war with him when we feed him. We put a piece of shrimp on the end of a dowel and instead of just getting the shrimp off, he encircles the dowel with his whole arm. That is when the tug of war begins!! He is really funny.

I will trade him for a colorfuf coral, ricordia, clam or???
Otherwise I am asking $40.00.
A friend of mine just got a Bimac octo, and he has a diving mask in his tank, some legos, and some other plastic things that he moves around in the tank and the octo follows what he does, or plays on its own. He also feeds live crabs and really finds it amazing to watch the octo hunt his meal, which he may eat right away, or it may watch it's future meal for a while, and then when it's hungry, it'll go after it.
That sounds interesting with the toys. Right now he is in a tank that has to much stuff in it for me to add any toys for him. He is in a tank with all my neon green star polyps and some fish that I have not yet moved to the display tank. There are some 10 - 12 pound rocks that are covered in the gsp. I was wanting to sell the rocks before I tried catching the fish to move them. So far he has not eaten any of them!:dance: I think feeding him keeps him happy.
We have him in a 45 gal acrylic tank and he is doing fine. They can get out of holes, but so far he has not done it. We have not sealed the tank at all. There are gaps from a hang on filter and hang on skimmer. There is also a 1.5" rd hole in the top of the acrylic. I think that is is for cords or something. We have not covered that either. Eventually I will get around to it. So far, so good!:rollface:
I got to see him today, really cool octo! This guy really can move around, really neat to see him spread his "wings" and just go from one end of the tank to the other so fast.
for sale or trade
make me an offer
he is in the tank that I will be bringing to the frag swap
He has since eaten a few fish. Any interest out there. Someone who would be able to keep him in a tank without fish?