Odd, Fast, FAST (2hrs) Growing algae, with PIC!!!


New member
Ok, I have an ongoing algae problem in my 55 gallon.
Last time I checked nitrates were zero.

No fuge, no RO/DI, no DSB, only 5 lbs of LR and 60 lbs of granite and limestone base rock.

Ok, I leave my lights on too long, but this stuff grew back in the time from 3:00 to 8:00. Heres the pic: (algae is on front glass)


no, its been set up for 7 months.

I use a skimmer, and I have as a bioload a 4 inch yellow tang, 1 ble damsel, and 3 fully grown green cromis.

This stuff grew right back after I scraped my glass during a waterchange.
try switching to RO water if you dont have a unit most LFS will sell RO/DI water for next to nothing or go to Walmart and buy distilled water.
My lfs sells RO at .99 a gallon!!!! Distilled is the same price.

Otherwise, its easy to scrape from the glass, comes off in cyano like brown sheets.

I have the same problem. I have to clean my glass every 2 days. I am along for the ride on this thread.