Does anyone know about these skimmers and canisters? I found some cheap on ebay and was wondering if they are junk or not. I want to put a canister and skimmer on my 29 g. and get rid of the skilter.
Cheap is cheap, personally I never bought any of these and here is why. You will spend so much more money trying to save money by buying equipment that does not work. (I bought the skilter too ). My suggestion would be to live with the skilter and save your pennys to buy a product that others have commented and and have liked (search RC for best hang on back skimmer I think folks use to like the typhoon) point is spend a little more money now (also look for good deals on used equipment i.e. WTMARC yard sale) and save yourself from the crappy equipment graveyard you will be starting in your closet. As for the canister filters (and this is more of an opinion) I found that cleaning them can be a chore and to keep nitrate from soaring you have to clean them often. I have often used a hang on back filter because all you have to do is rinse the cartrage every other day (as often as you would the canister filter) and would be much easier then taking down and reasembling a canister filter.
If you dont mind being shocked Odessey is the brand for you. I am just being sarcastic but I was shocked several times by an Odessey light that I had awhile ago. It did keep me awake though if I was dragging a little.
i cannot stress enough as well what scarson61 has said.
It seems everyone who is new at this has to try the cheaper way in the beginning, so did i. But if you ask those same people now I bet almost every one will tell you to wait and buy the good stuff first and save yourself the headache and the money.
The Octopus and ASM lines are both very high quality and well rated skimmers although I have little knowledge of their hang on back models. You can get both for a tank up to about a 55 gallon for around $125-150 I believe
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