Off Topic...But Don't Know Where to Look...


New member
I purchased a Kenwood car stereo from my boss. He had it removed from his ex vehicle and the nimrods didn't take out the necessary wiring harness when they took it out. Basically, I need to know if anyone out there in Reef Cenral land knows of a knowledgable Kenwood car stereo dealer that can tell me what I need to get to get this thing hooked up in my hubby's truck. There is at least one if not more multi-pin harnesses that I need to get it working. Just in case, the model number is DDX7015.
check crutchfield dot com they have a vehicle selector wizard that might help you out if not call the customer service. they will probably have the harness you need
This is a specific Kenwood part...not the typical ones that Crutchfield carries that adapt to each vehicles wiring harnesses. I'll give them a call anyway, I've dealt with them many times in the past and they have always been very helpful.
I checked the Kenwood website and even emailed them for the information on what I need...they never got back to me. I checked for local dealers, but wanted to see here on ReefCentral if anyone has one they recommend...
I only use Audio-Logic on Davie Rd Ext. Talk to Mike. He may or may not be a Kenwood dealer but he has been doing car audio, etc for 25 years.

I met him about twenty years ago and have had him work on all my personal and company trucks since then. Tell him I said to call.
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check with Speaker Warehouse or City Radio in hollywood. They are both right off 441 SW is just south of Johnson st. and city is on pines/hollywood between 441 and the turnpike.
That is a real nice unit, but if they forgot the harnesses (I believe there are at least 2) then they probably forgot the brain also so it may be a good paperweight. Almost all of the screen units have a brain that gets hidden under the carpet usually on the pass. side and are useless without it. definately worth checking out though. I don't think audio logic is kenwood, but Mike is a very nice and knowledgeable guy that may be able to help. (will probably try to sell you on his brands thoough.)
Now that's the information I was looking for...thanx guys! I'll follow up on those and see if I can get anywhere.

Can't wait to get this unit in...gave it to Randy for his birthday back in November and still haven't gotten it installed. It's a really nice one too with DVD, etc. I am having extra a/v cables installed with it so that I can hook up my multimedia player and we can watch movies/listen to music from it on the road! It also accepts Sirius radio and GPS, but have to buy upgrade items to do that...we'll see.
I used to work at Speaker Warehouse when I was going to school. I know they have changed owners, but they are still good people there. I hope it all works out for you.
Kat, Let me know if nothing turns up. All those recommendations are good. Also try Cartronics. There are 5 locations. But its going to be hard to find one. These are radio specific and you need to find some one who has one laying around.

If you cant find it then I will go through my contacts at Kenwood and see what I can turn up.
Just don't let Cartronics do the install. the one in Hollywood did a hack job on my GTI. I've also seen similar work that was done on friends cars.