Office Mini Reef


Premium Member
Not sure why I never posted pics of this before. Could be we are not allowed to have cameras at work. Anyway, got permission to bring one in today and took these pictures.
It is a 20 gal RR tank, 10 gal sump, Mag 5 for a return pump, two 55w power compacts. The first pictures shows a Berlin skimmer but it has a Eruo Reef ES-5 in it now. The stand and canopy was built by Tim (Old Crab). Only additive is B-Ionic at recommend dosage and my old standby Salifert Trace Hard. I try to do 5 gal water changes every other week but it is real pain carrying it in to do. So it ends like being 5 gals every month or so.
It's been setup for about 18 months and has it's ups and downs but since putting in the Euro Reef and trying really hard to keep up with the water changes things have really started to take off.






Plenty of reef keepers at work to help take care of it when I leave. MSM and RDWilson both work there. Actually since I have had the tank in the office it has brought many reef keepers "out of the closest". Over the years I probably had 20 co-workers come into the office and say they have had or are thinking of setting up a reef tank. I point them to RC and tell them how much it cost (to do it right). I know of only a few that have actually done it but have seen none on RC.

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