Oh my gosh


New member
Zoa nudis. What the hell do i do? Never had them found one today. Please help i got nice frags i don't want this lol.
yeah i read about that stuff hoping to pick some up tomorrow. Going to try fw dip right now, this really nipped me in the butt i've never had ANY pests like this. Just wondering if anyone out there has a special way of getting rid of them. i'm going to look for the spiral rings (eggs) and see what happens
is safe to put the flat worm exit in my dt, and maybe get a coris wrasse? I don't have a qt (it turned into my sump :thumbdown) just needing some input.
is safe to put the flat worm exit in my dt, and maybe get a coris wrasse? I don't have a qt (it turned into my sump :thumbdown) just needing some input.

It is safe to put in your display, just pull out all your clean up crew. I have dosed my display with it but it does a number on your snails and hermits. It will pretty much melt starfish, so make sure you don't have any of those.

If you can dose the piece itself, you can try and do that as well.
is safe to put the flat worm exit in my dt, and maybe get a coris wrasse? I don't have a qt (it turned into my sump :thumbdown) just needing some input.

Yes, I agree it is relatively safe.
I do believe that most inverts will take a hit. Like mini serpent stars, stomellas, hermits.
I would do atleast 2 treatments about 1-1/2 to 2 weeks apart,( or sooner if needed) just incase you have unhatched nudibranch eggs that you can't find and remove manually.

I have used several different wrasses in my zoanthid tank over the years.
One thing is, that they will exhaust most of the live food in the tank and will get aggressive seaching for new foods.
They do have a tendency to overturn smaller frags in the seach.
i have no qt so pulling the cuc is no option. I got the fwe just trying to figure out if i use ro water or tank water for the dip thanks guys
In my case yellow rass worked.
You can also look for them after light goes out and pul them out by hand.
Hope you take care of it fast!
Ok update time. used fwe didn't like what i seen probably 10 or more nudis. The problem i have is i really didn't see eggs. So i don't know but i got a temporary fix i guess i'll just dip again in a week. I used tank water btw.
The key is to break their life cycle by dipping after eggs hatch before the newly hatched nudis can lay more eggs. That means frequent dips over time.