OK! Enough chat...Starting a 1000g+ Reef

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fellow nose picker I like it so far.I myself don't require anything fancy.I am looking for a (topless tank forum)Where women who have exhibitionists tendencies can feel free to pose next to there tank.I have no quorums about that.I would also like a (feel free to bash forum) where we can openly talk about products that suck (fairly) without getting reprimanded like some elementary school kid by his teacher.I would like to know who gets to play god.I think we can get some good feedback from this site.
remember I am from Montreal where the women are hot and lap dancing(no holds barred) is legal(for $20 a song).We have more strip clubs and massage parlors than vegas and we do have several good LFS stores with nice corals and fish.
Just a test so far Steve.... I think freeforums.org requires the following though:

- FreeForums.org:
By using our services you agree to be bound by and comply with any and all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances or other such requirements of any applicable Federal, State or local government. Forums MAY NOT contain any of the following, including but not limited to:
-Adult Content / Obscene Content
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-links to download pirated movies, software, games etc from megaupload, rapidshare, and other such hosts/FTP/private servers
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It is up to the creator of the forum to be responsible for upholding these rules on his/her forum.

FreeForums.org will be the deciding factor in what is allowed and not allowed. FreeForums.org's failure to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any provision of these Terms of Service shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. If your forum is found to be in violation of these terms, your forum will be permanently removed, and any applicable legal actions shall also be taken if needed. FreeForums.org unconditionally reserves the right to remove or suspend access to your forums without notice or explanation. Failure to abide by any local, state, or federal laws regarding your forum (s) will result in permanent removal and refusal of service. FreeForums.org will not be held responsible for any content and/or damages caused by such material hosted on our network.

We'll see what they consider as
-Adult Content / Obscene Content

Ahem.... Barry? :lol:
I think we can be a bit tame thats ok.From what I understand we can be hateful,racist,and down rite mean towards each other,but we can't do that towards new members or other people.Thats fine.Will we have a live web cam chat?I like to talk to people when I am in the buff(with those angel wings and halo on)I also feel that it wouldn't be good to talk about terrorism.After all George Bush is the biggest one of all and we live next door to you guys and we don't have much of a military power.You never know when some one may knock at my door.Now I wanted to know whats going on with the tank.Is this dilemma with the crazing going to be solved(or are we not allowed to discuss the topic in public:thumbsup:)
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Yeah I know J. But hell it's free so we can use it as a test bed so to speak til we can decide on a permanent home and what we want on it.

I personally would prefer to have as little BS as possible on the UA and rules.
Just for info guys,
ipowerweb is running a special right now $4.95 a month for 600GB of server and one free domain registration.

Then you can say whatever the heck you want. I run and build the site for IEMAS (Inland Empire MAS). You can also have a forum that only you guys can see, that way there is no one to complain.

I signed up.Sorry I was off line before.J how much water and food should I use to do the phosphate test.I will use the hanna meter.I hooked up my Twin doser to start dosing alk and cal.My levels were a bit low plus I am still waiting for the dam parts to fox my ph problem.
Hey guys,

Sorry to change the subject here to a reefing question but...

My magfloat has died, felt's worn out and I need to replace it. I was looking at either an Algae free Tiger shark or great white. My tank is glass 1/2" thick but the back has acrylic over it and is almost 3/4" thick and the wood framing on the tank is a bit thicker probably closer to 1".

Any ideas which you think would be better or even another suggetion.


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Thanks Micki,

That pic is almost a year old. Not happy with it at the moment as it needs some lovin' and haven't had the time. Some of the pillars are partially disassembled and in a qt at the moment as I had some ick issues and was trying to catch fish.

Planning to spend some quality time with it during the holidays and then I'll get some updated pics.
Match the magnet to the thickness of your tank. If you over do it, you can't move it. Plus it will scratch the heck out of your tank because of the grip it has, plus mere grains of sand.
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