OK need some opinions PLEASE


Moving on Up
I am getting tired of this algae. Can someone tell me what it is and how the heck to get rid of it? I do weekly water changes of about 12 gallons on my 75 gallon tank. Here are my readings

Phosphate 0
nitrate 5
calcium 400
alk 8.3 dkh
ph 8.3
mag 1300
temp 81-82

What do you guy's/girls think? I appreciate ANY suggestions. THANKS BILL


Top one looks like hair algae, bottom one looks like diatoms. Nitrates are a wee bit high, so that could be feeding it. Also, test your phosphates as these will feed it as well.

For the hair algae, take out the rock and scrub. I've seen people battle hair algae for years without much seccess. Some say berghia nudibranchs will eat it, as well as some lawnmower blennies. But it's not always that easy.


I agree. Looks like hair algae, and diatoms. Phosphate may test zero because the algae is taking it up before it can show up in a test. The best way to lower Nitrates is with good skimming and refugium. Do you have a fuge?
No no fuge but I run Phosphate remover media 24/7. THe only thing I can think is causing it is the nitrates. I am at a lose!!!!! I here people with 40 to 50ppm nitrates that don't have algae problems. Just wanted to get different opinions to see what else I may be missing. Thanks for the responses
You have a 75G RR, (same as mine). You could section off a portion of your sump, pick up a Cheato, and a clip on light from Home Depot, and setup a small refugium for about $30. My nitrates were stuck at 2-2.5 and when I set up a small fuge with a cheato, they went to zero in about 10 days. Just a thought.
Check your RO make sure its working good.
Yes a refugium would help to starve te algae. Are you using phosguard as instructed?
I am using the Phosguard the way Rusty from Seachem instructed me to. He told me on his system he replaces the media monthly. I put about a cup of Phosguard in a media bag in my sump and change it the 1st of every month. Just like Rusty instructed me to.
Cheatomorpha with a light on it is cheaper and more effective than phosphate media. It's hair algae on the rock, not sure on the sand. I'd clean off the sand and start siphoning out the detritus -- it's probably loaded with that much matting on top.