If this is a tank for frags only, not display I would say go with a shorter tank if possible. The less water the light has to go through the better for a frag system. Do you want to have frag racks that you can move, or something that sits on the bottom and is held up? Either one works fine and it is really a prefrence thing. For lights do you want to go with MH or T5? People use both and swear by either one, so once again its a prefrence thing. For flow, since you are doing sps you will probably want pretty good flow rate, so consider some powerheads as well as your main pump into the cost. How do you want to do your filtration, in tank or have a sump? If you have a sump then its probably better to have the majority your rock and sand down there just to keep it out of the way of the frags. Also figure into the cost little things like power strips, heaters, egg crate and the like.
Just some things to think about before you decide on a certian set up.