Ok what happens if u swallow flat worms?????//


New member
I was siphoning out flat worms.... lost suction then sucked to bring it back and i swallowed the 6 flat worms at the tip of the tube.... should i be worried/. ?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12444283#post12444283 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by landragon
Did you see "Alien"?

haha, they will probably emerge from your stomach as full grown aliens. so just lay back and wait, nothing you can do now, sorry to say.

seriously speaking though, im sure the acids in your stomach will kill them and youll be fine.
I agree seriously try to drink some acidic juices. maybe even a apple cider vinigar dilution. Think of the natural stuff we try to kill them with in the tank. If it won't kill but will kill them its worth a shot. Good luck

Chances are that you will be fine. Probably a delicacy somewhere. I'd dunk em in habanero sauce and chase with a cold beer. Should kill about anything.
Your body fights off hundreds of germs and bacteria everyday that I think you will be fine. :)

Now if you start feeling sick, I would consult your doctor asap.

bro i told you.. flat worms arnt bad. essp in the small numbers u said
they are part of the clean up crew

i think clean up crews do more danmage then most of the flatworms that ppl kill lol
( knocking over corals daily.. danm you snails and crabs lol)