Old Acrilic tank need help


New member
Anyone know wha the best way to seal a large 8 ft by 3ft by 1ft with 1 inch acrilic. My friend tied it down crooked across the trailer and loosened the top of the tank joint. It was also sitting an some guys porch for a couple years empty. I was thinking a CA glue like the type for model airplane's or frags. Would this work? Its still sealed so its not like I am resealing the hole tank. After that I would caulk all the seams on onside but worried about the seams with all the water( almost 200 gallons) in the tank, that I prefer stay there. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Thanks Bellsy
I can take one

I can take one

The problem is I can not seperate the acrylic enough to get any liquid in the crack. I Will post a pic once we get it in the house. Thanks
i had a problem resealing my 180. what i ended up doing is bleeding weldon 4 into the seams then the next day putting a big bead of weldon 16 around all the seams. hope that helps.