Old but New member


New member
Used to be in the aquarium trade around 7-8 years ago, but then a drunk driver drove through my house and destroyed my tanks so I'm finally getting around to starting over again. I was going to go with a 75 gallon, I previously had a 75, 150, 300, and 500 gallon reef. eventually I got so big that it kind of took the fun out of it, so I was thinking of just staying smaller this time around. I noticed all the lighting is now LED, previously I ran vho's and a metal halide. I was planning on sticking with soft corals, I would appreciate any suggestions for lighting and filtration. I'm in Oregon, so if anyone has any tips on a used system then I'm open to that as well
Thanks and look forward to getting back
Be careful with the cheap "black box" fixtures. SOme are good some are not. Pesonally I would only get the Mars Aqua, it doesn't have an integrated timer/controller to get flaky or outright fail. Of the higher end fixtures I like Kessel's mainly because they use glass lenses that won't burn like polycarbonate lenses might when exposed long term to shroter wavelength blue and UV light. I have seen about a 10% fialure rate by the 3-4 year mark though. 2 of the Kessil A360 should work fine for anything you would want to keep.