Old pics, new guy


New member
Kinda new to this forum in a way. I have been around but didnt post much or have a user name for some time. I figured I would become more active on the board and show some pictures of my last aquarium. I was going through old files trying to get what I could these are the only pics I found.

tank specs: Viso 48x24x24 corner overflow 2" drain
sump 30x18x16
pumps:Iwaki 50rlt return
Iwaki 40rlt to chiller to return
circulation:a few rios and 2x rio seio
chiller:old csl 1/4hp
lighting: 2x Radium 400watt SE on PFO ballast
3x 110w VHO URI super actinic
Ca reactor: Knop C using a Tunze regulator and ph controler

Once a week water changes where done with ocean water and every night about 2 gallons of Kalk was added as top off using RO and about 1 gallon through out the day. Lugols added once a week and thats about it. Lights came on at 12pm and went off at 9pm.


Full tank shot


Left side


Right side


Right across


Green Milli


Hydnophora Sp. at feeding time

Majority of the reason for posting was to better introduce myself and get a feel for the comunity and I plan to sep up another SPS dominate aquarium within the year of similar size. I have lots of planing still to do.

Any questions or comments would be welcomed and any advice for some what of a noob on my next setup. I was thinking of gettign away from sumps all together..
I wish I had pictures from the start but everything started from either very small colonies or frags. The tank was up for about 2 years.

The fish in the tank at the time of the picture where
Zebrasoma desjardinii
Zebrasoma xanthurum
Zebrasoma scopas
6 Chromis viridis
2 Valenciennea Sp both of diffrent varients

This was my first experiance with an SPS dominated tank.
that cap you have on the left side of the tank thats reddish brown with yellow edges...I saw a huge one of these at the Monteray Bay Aquarium when I was there last month. I loved it, here I'll post a pic for ya. It's hard to tell how big this thing was in the pic...but the bottom plate was about 12" or so diameter.

Nice tank

Heres the cap...
I've seen scrolls that were the exact same color...but they looked like scrolls. Hmm...I think it's cool whatever it is...lol
Yes that would be a Turbinaria Sp. that started from about a 3" frag or so.

Thank your for the warm welcome and interest.

So what do you guys think of going with a sumpless setup? I am still in debate with myself on this one. I have been looking into the Tunze DOC comline skimmers with foam extractor. The Tunze comline Ca reactor and filter using auto top off and Tunze streams to keep up good flow. I have not seen many tanks using no sump. I realize that these pieces would take up some room but the tank Im looking into doing would be 48x30x20. What do you think?