Old tank vid vs. New tank vid....

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ooIdkGFxcPk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
OT perhaps but the music on the first video flipped a switch in my brain... enjoy its really interesting..
Thanks. These are two different iterations of the same tank. The first one ran from late 2008 to Nov 2010 before I had to break it down for an extended storage period. I kept all the rock and dried it in the sun since I knew I would be building this again. The second build started in early 2012, and was cycled and ready by Sept 2012. Even though the "old" tank had some massive algae issues, it was still a pretty tank to come home to at night. And, I admit, I wish I could keep a Koran angel again. Don't miss that frelling clownfish, though! Happiest day of the tank was the day I got to sell that b**** back to the store for credit.