Older Zoanthid partially closed, Should I Dip?


New member

I had an older dragon eye colony that was very bright that began to closed about a month ago. I have been increasing T5 supplementation of my radeon and though it may have been too much light so i put in in shade for about a week. It partially opened but never fully opened. I now have them in an area of lower light. I have not noticed any critters on it other than a small aptaisa that I will remove tonight. My other zoanthids which I also have pictured are nto having any issues. Should I go ahead and assume that it is not the tank conditions or lighting but a pest and dip them?

Pics follow. Apologies for the dirty glass. Any input would be much appreciated

The effected Zoas

Example of my healthy Zoas
Remove the aiptasia and wait to see if it comes around... Scrape de anemone side ways off the plug.
Leave the zoas in the same protected place they are after removing the anemone.
Try use only T5s and see what happens.
I personally use only T5s for my zoas.
I've tried LEDs in the past but it doesn't get close to the uniform light offered by the T5s.
T5s are the very best, besides MHs.
That's just me.

Definitely remove the aiptasia. I would suggest not to scrape it as Grandis suggested. I would use Aiptasia-X or Joe's Juice to get rid of it. Just aim the syringe right in it's mouth. It will keep the aiptasia from releasing its spores, and it won't hurt the zoas in the slightest when it gets all over them. Make sure your powerheads are off when doing it or else you will have Aiptasia-X floating around your tank for an hour or so.

If your other zoas are not affected than it probably isn't a pest, but couldn't hurt to do a dip just to be sure... I haven't had any issues keeping zoas under LED's so doubt that has anything to do with it.
No need chemicals to kill one aiptasia. Scrape it off!
Waste of time and money!

Also take care of the algae in the tank.
Your "healthy zoa" isn't that healthy either.

I agree as long as you can do it out of the tank and sterilize the spot. In the tank that is a good way to turn that one aiptasia to many, many aiptasia

Of course it has to be out of the tank!!! That is obvious, I would think...
Just scrape and put under the tap running a bit to remove any piece of the anemone left on the plug.
