? on caulerpa prolifera harvesting


Active member
how does everybody harvest their C prolifera? do you pull the roots out or clip off the leaves?

i hate pulling the roots out because you can always see them filled with worm life. i always try to shake off as much sand and life as possible before final removal. likewise, i was thinking the more root structure, the more leaves (and thus growth) (and thus nutrient removal).

Have you tried clipping? I did and the cut ends started oozing a thick white substance right away. Not knowing what it was, or if it was potentially toxic I went to pulling instead.
I have a question too. Harvest during light or dark?

I have a question too. Harvest during light or dark?

Well, I assume most run a refugium 24/7, if they may be harvesting, but, on my one refugium, it is opposite the tank. So would harvesting be better at night or day?

I would recommend pulling it out to minimize the juice. It is fact that Caulerpa "juice" irritates certain corals. You will break some while pulling anyway. Certainly shake off the "roots" (really called "holdfasts" as they don't perform any other rootlike functions beyond anchoring) I hate killing those little red worms and stuff too.

I would harvest first thing in the morning(for the Caulerpa that is) so it has immediate light[energy] to close over the wounds and start new sprouts. I'll bet a shot of iron on harvest day would be cool too.
I would harvest first thing in the morning(for the Caulerpa that is) so it has immediate light[energy] t
Just want to make sure I got you right on this Frick, If I have fuge on reverse cycle, then it would be better to harvest in the evening at the beginning of the light cycle? Idea being that it has a full photoperiod to recover? Thanks.
Thanks F-n-F. That seems to make sense. ;)

Possible good idea about the Fe. One of the studies Randy posted in that thread I asked you to take a look at in the Chem. Forum tested absiorbtion rate of nutrients by Caulerpa. You should have a look at at (if you haven't) IMO.
thanx K I'll check it out.

Yes, in the evening if on opposite photoP. Also, this is now the max amount of stuff in the water from the day's production, so it would seem best to get that algae started again ASAP. I always harvest early AM when the lights all first come on too.

BUT I siphon flatworms and cyano in the late afternoon, when I have to, because that all goes away by morning. I consider cyano siphoning as part of my harvesting too.