On my way to a fully automated tank!


New member
Was at a local LFS the other day and spotted an interesting item on their clearance rack. They had an "Easyguard 3" water level regulator for $30...the original price on it was $299! I figured hey if it doesn't work for my setup, I'll just sell it, but it's worth the risk!

Anyway, I took it to the FMAS board meeting and picked some more experienced brains about it. They seemed to think that it's a pretty good setup...Herman said "Just make sure you keep the sensor clean!" Sounds good to me. It is a probe sensor rather than a float valve system. I have heard good an bad about the float valves, so I think maybe I'll be more comfortable with this one. Had it running in about 15 minutes tonight and looks like it's pretty sweet. I ran it out of a 3 gallon bucket that fits nicely under my tank in the bottom shelf of the stand. Had a spare gang valve from my freshwater days that I strapped the sensor to and then adhered that to the outside of the black tank trim so it doesn't accidentally get pulled out.

Hopefully it'll run okay...looks like it's got an electronic controller that beeps if it detects a malfunction like the pump running too long. I don't think the company is in business anymore, so I'm on my own if it poops out. I like how it's working thus far...now all I need is an automatic feeder and I'm set!
Looked like it was a one time deal...I was just at the right place at the right time. The guy said he thought it had been sitting on a shelf for a "long time" and that I was probably the first person to even open the box. I was checking it because it said "as is" so I assumed there might be something missing or broken, but there wasn't. It was probably because it's a discontinued item, as it looks like the company is no longer in business.

I can say though, with running it for 24 hours...this is great! My sailinity will stay almost perfectly stable, so I think everyone's gonna be much happier overall. With the size bucket I have now, it also looks like that will last at least a week, so when I go away I don't have to worry about the level getting too low. When we got back from California, it was about 3" below where it should have been, so I had to top it back off slowly then so that I didn't affect the salinity too quickly.

Now for that automatic feeder....
I know you got a great deal on that controller too, Kat. So sit back, relax and watch the fishies. A little less work, more time to enjoy. :)

BTW, if it does poop out, there are a few other systems out there for under $100.
There is a 40$ eheim auto feeder that works great! Its battery powered and can feed up to 4 times a day. I keep it stocked with spectrum so my fish get a little bit 4 times a day and they are nice and fat! The funny thing is they learn the times it goes off so they will start to wait for it! One of the best things Ive ever goten! Next for me is the auto topoff!!
Yeah, I got on a mission last night and found one on eBay. Looks like it may be an older model of this one:

Eheim Automatic Feeder

The one I won on eBay says "Everyday Fish Feeder" by Eheim. Looks pretty good for $26 w/ shipping since it's new in the box. We'll see!

Let's see what I can automate next...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12038933#post12038933 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NanoKat
Yeah, I got on a mission last night and found one on eBay. Looks like it may be an older model of this one:

Eheim Automatic Feeder

The one I won on eBay says "Everyday Fish Feeder" by Eheim. Looks pretty good for $26 w/ shipping since it's new in the box. We'll see!

Let's see what I can automate next...

Thats the one I have. I love it. The only thing I dont like about ebay is that a lot of people wont take things back if its not what you wanted, and then ur stuck with it! I'll pay the extra $$ most of the time to get what I want...and keep the local guys around!
Good Luck
Yeah, I was gonna go to the store if I couldn't get a good feel for which one I wanted or if I wasn't sure about a brand. But seeing Eheim for that price, I couldn't pass that one up. I'm definitely the "budget aquarist!"
the exact feeder I have truly one of the best investements in my tank. The fan keeps the food dry-no clumps!
That sounds good...I've heard horrific stories of the feeders going whacko and dropping all the food at once cause it sticks. Don't know if the one I'm getting has the air connection to keep the food dry, but it looks like the same design.