On the right track... I think


New member
My 90 gal has been running since Jan, it is slowly being stocked and I think coming along nicely!
In March I had Dino outbreak and icky brown scum, shortly after GHA started taking over and last week everything turned red with cyno. Lots of water changes. Weekly, usually 20-30%. Cyno seems to be slowing down already but man it creates a mess! GHA was much easier to clean up!

Now I see small specs of coralline on the back glass!!!

I assume this is a good sign!

I've been testing weekly or bi-weekly.
Salinity -1.025
Ammon - 0
No2 - 0
No3 - 0
PH 7.8 - 8.1
Po4 - 0
Ca - 420-440
Mg - this one has been steadily climbing. 1320 in March. Now up to 1500.
Everything I read says not to worry too much about it. Yes? No cause for alarm? Jot sure why it keeps going up.

I am not dosing. All RODI water.
Everyone in the tank seems pretty happy so I guess that's something!

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Yes you are headed on the right track. Just continue to monitor test results and appearance/health of the tank.
What type of test kit you using? Are missing your own saltwater or LFS saltwater? Skimmer?

RO S-130 skimmer
Salifert teat kits for Alk, Ca, Mg & po4
API for no2 & 3, Ammon & ph

Right now I am using water from my LFS but that is changing this month. Finally have an area to set up mg own unit. So soon I'll be mixing my own

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Yep, it's good to mix your own.

I would stop testing for ammonia and nitrite, and start testing alk instead. Or if this is a fish only, you can stop testing almost all that you listed.
Yep, it's good to mix your own.

I would stop testing for ammonia and nitrite, and start testing alk instead. Or if this is a fish only, you can stop testing almost all that you listed.
I'd agree with this, I don't remember the last time I tested for ammonia. For a reef, in my opinion, alk is the most important number. If something's wrong there chances are everything else is following it. Second most important for me is phosphate

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