?? on zoas.

Mr Neon

New member
I have few colonies of zoas in my tank and was curious about some aspects of them growing. Lately, the last.few days, I had 2 colonies extend their stalks to the point that it.makes the heads of.the zoas look as if they are shrinking. Color is fine and no issues of bugs or rot, just the stalks are extended.greatly..

If this a cycle of.growth for the zoas or is it.mean they are lacking something? I feed daily all the.corals and have seen nice growth in my tank but just want to be sure something is not wrong.

One colony is 8 months old.and the other I got 2 weeks ago from.an online dealer.
Generally speaking long stalks are related to low light, or low water flow, or a combination of both. Some times they need long stalks to reach the light and that happens when they grow in a steep vertical rock.

It would be great if you could post a picture. That way people could tell you for sure.

The fact they have long stalks normally doesn't mean they aren't healthy, but it's more a matter of you linking it or not. It's an adaptation to the environment.

You probably don't need to feed your zoas and corals every single day.
Could you please post your water parameters and what/how you feed them?

Generally speaking long stalks are related to low light, or low water flow, or a combination of both. Some times they need long stalks to reach the light and that happens when they grow in a steep vertical rock.

I did move my MP10 a bit, that is all I have done in the past months.

It would be great if you could post a picture. That way people could tell you for sure.

Try and get one later for sure.

The fact they have long stalks normally doesn't mean they aren't healthy, but it's more a matter of you linking it or not. It's an adaptation to the environment.

You probably don't need to feed your zoas and corals every single day.
Could you please post your water parameters and what/how you feed them?


I feed daily because of the fish and other inverts and corals. Not much though.

60 gallon is lit by 120watt LED 55 by 3watt led's. I have it about 8 inches off the water surface running 40% white and 60% blues on an average 7 hours white and 9 hours blue daily.

Water parameters:

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
phos - 0
ph - 8.0
Calcium - 480
Salinity - 1.23

Temp - 78

Good flow although I stated I just moved it about a week ago.

The zoas in question are on rocks about 4 inches from the top. One is green with yellow centers that I have had for over a year and grows great but this is the first time I seen stalks grow out. The second is a bit higher and is a fire and ice zoa that I have only had 2 weeks. It opened up huge after acclimating and just recently started growing the stalks out.

Again, I am thinking flow since my light has not moved or changed for over 6 months. I will get a pic up later.
It's gonna be good to see a picture.
Light sound good and enough, by what I've heard and researched in the past.
I wouldn't change it and would address to the water flow.
I don't run LEDs yet.

What's you alkalinity?

Try give them some more flow and they will probably shrink their stalks slowly.

Please let me know what and how you feed your polyps. I'm very interested in the subject.


Click on the pic. In it is my green zoas that have the stalks getting longer. They used to have bigger heads than what is there until they started growing up and out.

I increased the flow and adjusted the lights up just a bit to see it this may help. I could move then up on the rock but would rather leave them where they are at now.

As for feeding, I am going to back off daily and just do every third day for a bit and see how things go.

I been feeding a combination of reef chilli, rods and mysis shrimp. I usually mix it differently each day but the constant if reef chilli. So far my tanks goes nuts when its feeding time.
I think what you're seeing is that zoanthids on the top of the rock are shading zoanthids on the bottom of the rock which are stretching more, either that or they might just not be getting enough light.
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Click on the pic. In it is my green zoas that have the stalks getting longer. They used to have bigger heads than what is there until they started growing up and out.

I increased the flow and adjusted the lights up just a bit to see it this may help. I could move then up on the rock but would rather leave them where they are at now.

As for feeding, I am going to back off daily and just do every third day for a bit and see how things go.

I been feeding a combination of reef chilli, rods and mysis shrimp. I usually mix it differently each day but the constant if reef chilli. So far my tanks goes nuts when its feeding time.

Typical vertical growth/low light.
You need to turn the rock a little towards the light, so they can receive more or/and increase the light source.
Make sure the quality of light is good, not only the intensity or PAR.
Pay attention to the spectrum and go very slow if you decide to increase the intensity.
Also, add some water flow to their side.

Try target feeding the zoas only with Reef Chilli or Rods once a week to see what happens.
I think they don't really need that much feeding to be in a good growth rate. That way you'll limit the need of any extra maintenance to export nutrients.

I never tried rods nor Reef Chili, but heard good things about them.
I would avoid mysis for zoanthids.

Did some moving around and adjusted flow and seen a little bit of improvement but today other corals look weak. Something I didn't think until today was temperature. I usually have it steady at 78 but did not look at the gauge until I stuck my hand in the tank and was shocked to feel cold water.. Not good!

Funny thing, is that I ordered a new heater today for a back-up and it looks like I will need it now more than ever. I adjusted the old heater in the hopes to raise the temp back up. Right now it is 75/76 too cold and I could see why my zoas were looking small. Hopefully when the temp gets back to normal things will get back on track...

Even though it is set at 78, I am assuming that it is no were near accurate and probably is getting ready to take a crap.