One zoanthid polyp missing half it's tentacles??


New member
Has anyone ever experienced this? It almost looks like it got burned. No predators during the day or night. No fish. No other corals near it. All other polyps in this colony are acting normally.
hm, does sound odd, when you say no other corals near it, how near are we talking? There are a cpl who put out some pretty long sweeper tentacles at night and they can sting.

Only other thing I can think of is if a piece of salt from salt creep or some other foreign material got in and floated down to the polyp and maybe burnt it? I had a mushroom get super ****ed when a piece of salt landed on him even though I got it off within seconds.
I had a paly that lost part of its tentacles and turned white at the edge. The top of it then started to peel away from the bottom. This went off and on for about a month and cleared up on its own. No predators were ever found and no corals with sweepers anywhere near it. I still dont know what was wrong with it.
Yep, I've had that happening here and there also.
I believe the tentacles are retracted, not "missing".
The zoas keep their discs open and the edges look white.
Some times it happens on the whole polyp, sometimes only part of it.
Some times the polyp keeps it's size, some times they get very tiny.
Could be microscopic irritation.
That is also caused by vermicide snails and some nocturnal worms!!!!

When not by vermitids/worms:
I've tried Lugol's and it doesn't make any difference... No changes...
When it comes back to normal takes a while...
No water chemistry changes.
No predators.
Nothing visibly touching the polyps.
No corals in the system.
Fishes don't touch them either.

Does anyone here knows what causes that?

Put a credit card on the outside of tank,,the zoas that are stretching real far torwards the credit card are the female ones...If the one your worried about ends up being female then it is just a mood swing and she'll get over it....
Put a credit card on the outside of tank,,the zoas that are stretching real far torwards the credit card are the female ones...If the one your worried about ends up being female then it is just a mood swing and she'll get over it....

All females would have to be in the same colony.
That said, if it was a female mood swing, they all would have their tentacles that way once in a while.
