Only one large polyp colonly will not open?


I have read for hours and am still not sure what to do. I have had this larger colony for two years and it has never closed up for more than a day. I changed my aquascape to a more open system 9 days ago and the polyps haven't opened yet. It's getting the same amount of light and current as before. Water parameters are right on and all my other polyps are doing fine. I have a sally lightfoot but it stays on the other side of the tank. I also have a ton of asterina stars but I've had those for over a year. Otherwise, I haven't seen any of the usual polyp eating/disturbing suspects. I also tried an iodine dip three days ago and the few polyps that did open are now closed. Should I wait it out, dip, move it to another tank, or what? I'm enclosing a before and after photo.


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What is the brown stuff on them. It looks like that is irritating them. I would try a revive dip and gently scuba that stuff off.
What are your water parameters? List them if you could.

The colony obviosly didnt like something about the re-aquascaping... Did you take it out when you re-scaped (in a bucket)? Leave it in?

I dont know that I would dip them again right away. I would place the colony in a container with tank water, and gently swish the colony around to get the unwanted infection off the polyps.

Whatever is left can be gently scrubbed off with a soft brush. Or gently blown off with a weak powerhead. If matters get worse, you may have to cut the infected polyps off, and iodine dip the healthy ones to prevent the spread of infection...

Perhaps Mucho Reef has a more accurate remedy?
I think just let them settle. Check them at night for pests. Also, maybe try moving them to a different area because you may think they are getting the same flow but it could have changed bc you moved the aquascape.
That's a powdery brown fungus on the stems, it'll actually eat through them and you'll have polyp heads falling off of the rock soon. Give it a good amount of flow asap, also do a 5 minute iodine dip followed by a 20 minute Furan-2 dip. Without good flow and anti-fungal dips that colony's going to be gone within the next week.

I've seen that happen when salinity gets too high though, how are you measuring your salinity? If it's a refractometer buy some calibration fluid asap.
Wow, I didn't even see the fungus until you guys mentioned it and I then blew up the picture. Good catch guys.

This fungus is nothing to play with. It will affect photosythesis, cause the polyps to possibly bleach, pinch/collaspe and wither. I agree with Organism, the oral disc will in time look like a cried up pinky toe and become somewhat crusty looking.

I agree also on the dip, but have never used it in conjunction with the furan, but I would trust Organisms judgement on this and move swiftly. After a certain point, you can not bring them back no matter what you do. Good luck and let us know if you saved them.

Mucho Reef
Thanks for all the input

Thanks for all the input

I gently scrubbed off most of the brown stuff with a soft toothbrush. I also just performed an iodine dip and move it to a high flow area. My salinity is .0126 with a freshly calibrated refractometer. I'll keep you posted.

What about lighting? Should I increase or decrease the lighting?

Thanks again for all your help
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I've had more luck with furan than iodine on that one, it's weird I've only ever seen it on recently shipped zoanthids and never saw it in an established colony before. I wouldn't worry about light as much as keeping them in good flow for now, the lower the light the better though.
I hear you, I've used one or the other, but never together. Thanks for sharing that.
ah great advice Organism. I would have never thought of using both at the same time.
As far as lighting goes-

I would give them subdued lighting for a while, till they recover. They are stressed, and more light can do more damage than good.

I agree with the furan 2 dip for this fungus issue.

Did the iodine dip and extra flow help with the fungus?
That's a powdery brown fungus on the stems, it'll actually eat through them and you'll have polyp heads falling off of the rock soon. Give it a good amount of flow asap, also do a 5 minute iodine dip followed by a 20 minute Furan-2 dip. Without good flow and anti-fungal dips that colony's going to be gone within the next week.

I've seen that happen when salinity gets too high though, how are you measuring your salinity? If it's a refractometer buy some calibration fluid asap.

This is more what I was looking for... Great advice. I have never used the furan with the iodine in the same dip, however I am sure it works wonders if organism reccomends it! +1 on the increase in flow... Not too powerful, just enough to keep them happy.
No one carries furan dip around my area. Can anyone recommend another brand? Also, today two polyps opened. Should I wait to see if more open or stress out the colony with another dip?
A 50/50 hydrogen peroxide and tank water brown will treat brown fungus and white paste infestation, if you cant find furan2.

I suggest reading up on this one.

I havnt heard of it tried....but can see that it has potential!!! Never thought of it!

I have dosed a tank with coral (including many polyps) and had no issues with it.
There are 2 natural fish medications... one is called melafix, which treats bacterial infections, and open sores. Pimafix is the other, which treats fungal infection. If it works for fish why wouldnt it work for corals?
There are 2 natural fish medications... one is called melafix, which treats bacterial infections, and open sores. Pimafix is the other, which treats fungal infection. If it works for fish why wouldnt it work for corals?

excellent question. I used them before with ponds (have a 2000 gallon koi pond). I found that tricide neo worked wonders for ulcers though. Hmmm im itching to try this but I got no problems right now (watch something happen when I see my tank hahaha.