Only one large polyp colonly will not open?

I have used them for years on fresh and saltwater fish.
Yeah one of us would almost have to purposely buy a sick colony to try this... :hmm2:
Or would someone who allready has a sick colony would be willng to try this????
They make a saltwater version of melafix which I have used on zoas before with no bad effects. I got an outbreak of hydroids (the thin white ones with stinging tips) and it was recommended to me to kill those. I don't have hydroids anymore, but I don't know if that was the cure. The zoas came out of the dip just fine.
When and if I get some fungus issues, I will give the pimafix dip a try!

I have a patch of hydroids too...might give those a shot also....maybe.
use flow from power head to clean brown stuff off and then put it under low flow, low light location for a day to see if it gets better. I used this method before and it works for me.

I have read for hours and am still not sure what to do. I have had this larger colony for two years and it has never closed up for more than a day. I changed my aquascape to a more open system 9 days ago and the polyps haven't opened yet. It's getting the same amount of light and current as before. Water parameters are right on and all my other polyps are doing fine. I have a sally lightfoot but it stays on the other side of the tank. I also have a ton of asterina stars but I've had those for over a year. Otherwise, I haven't seen any of the usual polyp eating/disturbing suspects. I also tried an iodine dip three days ago and the few polyps that did open are now closed. Should I wait it out, dip, move it to another tank, or what? I'm enclosing a before and after photo.