Only xenia xenia xenia

Pulsing Xenia is one of the most beautiful thing you can see in an aquarium. If it weren't so invasive...:headwallblue:
Yeah I loved having Xenia and Anthelia in my tank. Great motion and it added a very natural feel. The problem is the stuff grew like weeds and I had to go in every week and remove a bucket of it. Smells awful and is a real PITA. Finally I had enough and pulled all soft corals out.
After it kills something that cost you three times as much as the xenia you will begin ripping them out like weeds and then getting ****ed because even after you think you got them all they come back.
Nice. If I had the space and money for a second tank, I'd love to try something like that -- an unconventional aquascape with just one or two types of corals.
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After it kills something that cost you three times as much as the xenia you will begin ripping them out like weeds and then getting ****ed because even after you think you got them all they come back.

Lol ^^^^ This.

My buddy gave me some when I first started and I was like OOOOoooOOOoooo free coral! It's so pretty.....

6 years later and 3 tank moves I still had it randomly appearing after thinking I got rid of it a gazillion times.

I found the best method was simply taking any rock that had it and chucking it into the sump with no light.

Within 2-3 weeks it was toast. Then I'd put the rock back in and do some more.

Successfully eradicated it.

But wait....I had 3 friends all state how AWESOME my Xenia looked when I did have it, and they all wanted some BADLY, even begged me.

I kept saying " do not want this, this is like inviting your mother in law over and she breaks a hip and has to live with you for eternity"

But they kept asking for it saying "I don't care if it's invasive, it won't choke out MY corals, I'll trim it back...Easy! I LOVE THE MOVEMENT OF IT!"

So, I was like "okay! here ya go pal!"

All 3 got some.

All 3 are now trying to nuke it without admitting it was a terribad idea to take some.

But hey, it looked awesome for the first 6 months, AMIRIGHT!

So technically, my Xenia lives on....and will....foreeeeeeeeverrrrrr :lolspin: