Only xenia xenia xenia

LoL...Same here! I was able to trade a little of it to a coral farm recently. Ive thought of starting my nano and throwing it in there! I'm liking the idea of the sump too. Going to give that a try instead. Thanks!!!

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I'd rather have Xenia in my tank than Aptasia. Yes its a burden to some but it really is cool to watch. I had a BC 29 and it was a bush in there and my clowns loved it to host. See my avitar
When i first got into the hobby, I actually paid $20 for a frag. Looking back I laugh about it now.

I got rid of it when I sold my tank and soaked the Live rock in vinegar and bleach and sitting outside in the driveway for a couple of weeks. I will never introduce it to my new tank.
Ya my LFS has it overpriced too, I was always wondering why it was never in the actual coral tanks but spread out in other tanks. Now I know
I get why people hate the stuff but I love it, have a rock covered in it! Just gotta make sure it's it's own island not touching anything other than sand


It will eventually spread even if its on its own island. I enjoyed having it in my tank for a couple of years. Then I dosed Fluke Tab to get rid of Green Star Polyp and it also killed off all of the Xenia. I knew it would do that, and its a little bitter sweet not having it. I also know it helped with nutrient export.
Crazy! I loved the look of it. Got a bunch for free from the forums once, guy said if you put it on its own island of rock it wont spread. I placed it safely on a rock island, left on deployment for 7 months, came back to half a tank of pulsing xenia. What a freaking nightmare to clean up. Life lesson, no pulsing xenia, no Kenya trees.