I have a group of what I think are blue mushrooms and yesterday and today all of the larger ones have had their mouths open. Is this a bad sign? Should I do anything?
First, what kind of mushrooms? Ricordias? Rhodactis?
Most of the time, it's nothing, then go through different phases throughout the day. It is only a problem when you start seeing stuff coming out like guts or white stuff.
They are some sort of Actinodiscus sp., purple with a bluish-green sheen to them.
Two of them have closed their mouths now, and one is still open. Nothing is coming out. There are several smaller ones that seem to always keep the mouth closed.
By the way, I have had them for two weeks and I do not feed them. One was in flow a little too heavy and I moved the rock but it still looks a little irritated with the edges slightly curved up. I think the flow might still be a little much. It is the one that still has its mouth open.
I wish I could post a picture of them but I've been looking for my camera for two days and have not been able to find it. Hopefully it'll turn up soon. My baby is sleeping in his swing right now with a look on his face that would melt your heart, but I can't take a picture and its killing me.
If the one doesnt close its mouth try a little lower flow.. usually they'll detatch and move if they dont like it but the gaping for extended periods of time isnt so good
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