Opinions: New Evolution vs Old Koralia Series

For the last 5+yrs, I've used a Koralia #3 (850gph) & 2x #4 (1200gph) pumps to provide additional current flow in a standard dimension 125g. Recently, 2 of the 3 pumps developed the electrical "leakage" problems that some people have talked about over the years that occurred with the 1st generation Koralia's. The grounding probe & GFCI worked as intended & shut down the pumps. To replace them, I ordered and received the new Evolution (115v ac) series 850 (gph) & 1150 (gph). Upon installation, I noticed that they seemed to have decreased flow from what the original K3 & K4's seem to put out (even with the old style fish guards and flow cones installed). The propellers appear to be spinning in the correct rotation but the flow "seems" diminished vs the older style....

I think a lot of it has to do with the newer design. It seemed to me like the newer ones have smaller gaps between the openings which decreases flow.
Get Jaebos. Much better pumps IMO, and controllable to boot. I have a single WP40 in my 125 and can't run it on some modes or it will throw water on the floor. I have it on one end of the tank and it sets up a nice gyre. They now have a dual pump package with a single controller around $120 for the RW-15 pumps. It would be great for a 125.
I had Koralias for years and had problems with them spinning in reverse, or just dying.
Where did you find the RW-15 two pumps one control for $120.00 I have been looking but can't find them for less than $180.00
I replaced a pair of K2's with 750's I love the smaller size and easier maintenance, the pair of them seems to work fine for my 90 FOWLR